Telehealth App

Why Should Doctors Choose i-medicus Telehealth App?

In the new era, the healthcare industry relies on telehealth platforms to expand its medical practices. Many professionals find it convenient to connect with patients remotely at…
SOS integration

Smart Integration of SOS feature in Telehealth App

Worldwide, multiple new trends are emerging in the healthcare industry. Investors are focusing on creating an advanced healthcare app that leverages all the top facilities and the…
AI in telehealth

How can AI benefit Users with the Telehealth App?

Artificial intelligence is quickly changing the virtual Telehealth app through its integration with telehealth technologies. By utilizing AI’s analytical and learning capacities, telehealth applications may surpass simple…
i-medicus Telehealth services

How does one navigate i-medicus telehealth services?

The number of apps published every year is in the millions. Yet only a handful of these end up permanently on the screens of mobile phone users….
Remote Healthcare

Top 10 Healthcare Startups Transforming Remote Healthcare in UAE

Travel back in time—but not too far. Let’s go four decades back- to 1984. What options did people have for remote healthcare? Maybe a landline phone to…
Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission

i-medicus Accelerating India’s Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM)

India’s healthcare ecosystem is undergoing a digital transformation journey. The  Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), launched in 2018, aims to make healthcare services more accessible and affordable…
Telehealth for Doctors

Pros and Cons of Telehealth for Doctors

In today’s world, most industries are going through a positive change. Out of all of them, Telehealth for doctors in the healthcare sector is experiencing some of…
Future of Telehealth

Regulatory Crossroads: Shaping the Future of Telehealth

After the COVID-19 Pandemic, several new opportunities and options have opened up in various industries. When it comes to the healthcare industry, Telehealth has gained huge popularity…
Virtual Dermatologist

What Is A Virtual Dermatologist, And How Can They Use Telemedicine?

Telemedicine, a groundbreaking approach to healthcare, is changing the way patients access medical expertise. It allows individuals to connect with a virtual dermatologist remotely through digital platforms,…
electronic medical records

Electronic Medical Record (EMR): What is EMR and what are its benefits?

So you’ve probably heard the term “electronic medical records software” or EMRs thrown around lately. Modern telehealth solutions and EMRs are paving the way for a modern,…